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Sunday, September 8th
The 11th Sunday after Pentecost

Greetings St. Thomas Family,

We pray you have had a blessed week, and will join us for our upcoming services.

The schedule is as follows:








Blue and Brown Vintage Leaves Autumn Festival Invitation.png

We would a like to remind everyone that Saturday (Sept 7th) we will gather for a Vespers service at 5 pm, followed by the baptism of Venson Warden. 

Additionally, September 28th we will be gathering for Vespers at 5 pm followed by the baptism of Nora Taggart. We hope you will  join us as we welcome Venson and Nora into the church!


 Next Saturday (Sept 14th) the sisterhood will meet at 4 pm to read the Akathist to St. Juliana. This will be the first of our bi-monthly recurring Akathists. We will send along additional information in next week's bulletin.


​As we shared last week, at noon on September 28th, we will be meeting up for an International Potluck for adult parishioners.  All adults (18+) are welcome to join us for fellowship on September 28th. Bring a dish to share! Lap babies are welcome and everyone is encouraged (as possible) to stay afterwards for vespers.  Please reach out to Thaisia (Mariana) Millary with any questions.























Ladies, October 5th Ruth (Cara) will be hosting a baby shower for Dymphna (Brooke).  Invitations have been sent via evite with further information.  If you have any questions, or did not receive the invitation -- please reach out to Cara.


​​​As Father Mark announced Sunday, please remember to maintain a low and reverent volume for your conversations after liturgy concludes and you kiss the cross. If you are getting coffee, please do not linger in that room, but rather proceed downstairs so we can all pray together when Father blessed the food at the start of trapeza


Please keep in mind that those wishing to partake in the Holy Gift of Communion must arrive timely to Liturgy, those not arriving in time to hear the reading of the Gospel, should not approach the Gifts.


As we shared in previous bulletins, we  are working to develop  a system for parishioners to exchange items that they no longer need that may be a blessing to someone else. To this end, we are trialing this google document (available via the button below) as a format for this: anyone with the link can enter and copy the blank template on the first page (a sample entry can also be found on the first page) and then fill it out on the second page with the information for the item they want to gift. Whoever is interested can reach out and communicate about setting up a pickup/exchange. No sales allowed! However, if there is interest in for-pay services offered by parishioners, let Thaisia Millary know and a St. Thomas Classifieds could be created in the future. Any tech issues or questions, also let Thaisia know.


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Also, please reference the Parish Needs list, available below, and reach out to Cecilia (Noel) McDowell

with any questions. 

Our cleaning rotation for the next ten weeks has been slated, please reach out to Thaisia (Mariana) Millary if you would like to be added/removed, or have any further questions.


We are grateful for all who contribute as well as those who volunteer their time for the benefit of St. Thomas Orthodox Church. May God keep our parishioners safe and bless these worthy endeavors.

Notes on featured icon:


The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

Commemorated on August 26, June 23 and May 21

      The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was written by the Evangelist Luke on a board from the table, at which the Saviour ate together with His All-Pure Mother and Righteous Joseph. The Mother of God, in seeing this image, exclaimed: "Henceforth shalt all generations call Me blessed. Let the grace of both My Son and Me shalt be with this icon".
     In the year 1131 the icon was sent from Constantinople to Rus' to holy Prince Mstislav (+ 1132, Comm. 15 April) and was installed in the Deviche monastery in Vyshgorod – the ancient appanage city of holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga. READ MORE

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